World Mental Resilience Programs is a registered and licensed mental health private practice consultancy leading the availability, accessibility, affordability and embracement of sustainable mental health services, solutions, systems, programs, policies, strategies and action plans through ethical, evidence based, contextual and culturally awe research and implementation.
Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) is a mental health intervention model developed by World Mental Resilience Programs comprising of five interrelated complimentary mental health intervention systems, (1) Mental Health Literacy Empowerment Interventions, (2) Mental Health Breakdowns Primary Prevention Interventions, (3) Mental Health Crisis Risk Reduction Interventions, (4) Mental Health Crisis Harm Reduction Interventions and (5) Mental Health Resilience Building Interventions to build and create recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and coping strategies to mental health crisis.
The concept of Mental Health Crisis Support Practice is to empower and capacitate an ordinary person as well as mental health practitioners with evidence-based knowledge and practical skills that promote sustainable mental health systems, programs, solutions, strategies and action plans through tailor designing, development, implementation and reviews of mental health interventions from an individual level across all social institutions.
Our dedicated research and implementing teams are a combination of expert skills from registered and licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, counsellors, life coaches and
mentors, sociologists as well as other social scientists.
The formation of World Mental Resilience Programs (WMRP) emanated from the realisation that humankind has been perishing worldwide from the afflictions of mental health crisis due to lack of sustainable mental health crisis interventions. Mental health services have always been expensive, not available, not accessible and not affordable to the general population which has the highest mental health crisis predisposing factors. The emergency of World Mental Resilience Programs seeks to promote embracement of mental health services through the Membership Program designed to unlock free unlimited access to mental health solutions, programs, systems, strategies and action plans through a monthly commitment and investment fee which is a monthly membership subscription fee covering from individual membership, family membership, school membership and corporate membership.
The Membership Program is also designed to help the general population challenge the negative ideas about mental health:
When you think about mental health, what words come to mind? Are they more positive like ‘thriving’, or are they more critical, like ‘mad’? Why do you think that? How do you feel about it? Acknowledging the preconceptions, you may hold is the first step to challenging negative ideas about mental health from an individual level to a community level.
Unfortunately, people often associate mental health with something negative. But we all experience ups and downs, so remember mental health is part of all of us and something we can all take care of each and every day
If you or someone you know does experience a mental health challenge, it has nothing to do with being weak. In fact, recognising that you may need help requires great strength and courage. Treat those who are brave enough to talk about their experiences with empathy and respect.
To lead sustainable development of recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation and coping to mental health crisis through sustainable availability, accessibility, affordability and embracement of sustainable mental health services globally leaving no one and no place behind.
To set the pace in ethical, evidence based, contextual and cultural awe mental health research interventions, tailor designing, development, implementation and reviewing of mental health solutions, systems and programs, mental health policies, strategies and action plans for individuals, groups, families, learning institutions, religious and cultural institutions, public and private sector companies, organisations and agencies globally.
To build sustainable Psychological Safety Nets across all social institutions globally.
© 2024 World Mental Resilience Programs