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World Mental Resilience Programs (WMRP) offers a range of internationally recognized comprehensive skills and knowledge based early-intervention courses based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experiences of mental health problems and mental health professionals from the American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychological Association (BPA), the Pan African Psychology Union (PAPU) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

World Mental Resilience Programs ' Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) Courses are Certified and Accredited with the [American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Association (BPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Mental Health, Brain Health and Substance Use]

Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) courses teach participants – Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) a mental health intervention model developed by World Mental Resilience Programs comprising of five interrelated complimentary mental health intervention systems, (1) Mental Health Literacy Empowerment Interventions, (2) Mental Health Breakdowns Primary Prevention Interventions, (3) Mental Health Crisis Risk Reduction Interventions, (4) Mental Health Crisis Harm Reduction Interventions and (5) Mental Health Resilience Building Interventions to build and create recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and coping strategies to mental health crisis.


The concept of Mental Health Crisis Support Practice is to empower and capacitate an ordinary person as well as mental health practitioners with evidence-based knowledge and practical skills that promote sustainable mental health systems, programs, solutions, strategies and action plans through tailor designing, development, implementation and reviews of mental health interventions from an individual level across all social institutions covering the signs and symptoms of mental health breakdowns and teach the practical skills needed to support someone experiencing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.


In Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) course trainings; participants also learn about the types of help and support available and how to help someone access the support they need as well as the appropriate professional referral pathways and systems. World Mental Resilience Programs owns the copyright rights of Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) courses. MHCSP™ and MHCSPractitioner™ are the registered Trademarks of World Mental Resilience Programs.


Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) also teach participants [Mental Health Hygiene Practices® (MHHP™)] the daily activities and practices that support and maintain positive mental health wellness. Public health guidelines tell us that we need to do small tasks daily to maintain our physical and dental hygiene, like showering and brushing our teeth. We are now extending the same concept to mental health wellness. Just like going to the gym is about building up our strength, Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) is about building up that mental muscle. It is an important way to maintain good mental health, to build and create recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and the coping strategies/measures to mental health crisis pandemic.


Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) courses are offered and delivered under the authority, guidelines, and safeguarding policies of the World Mental Resilience Programs.


Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) Specialised Courses and Applied Courses are open for both Online Classes and Physical Classes. (Open to 3 months installment payment options). The MHCSP™ training takes a total of 3 months (1 month theory and 2 months supervised practice). The supervised practice (attachment) is provided at World Mental Resilience Programs through onsite, remote and virtual options flexible to all students around the globe.


Leading the sustainable availability, accessibility, affordability and embracement of sustainable mental health literacy empowerment interventions… leaving no one and no place behind – mental health literacy empowerment is a universal human right.

Using a practical, evidence-based Action Plan, Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) courses equip people with the knowledge and skills to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, and to confidently provide the correct referral information and support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.


Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) courses are thoroughly evaluated and evidence informed, and research has shown that MHCSP™ training is associated with:


Recognise the warning signs of mental health problems in other people of different age groups.


Provides skills needed to speak openly and accurately about mental health.


Respond across a range of crisis situations when others may be at risk of harm.


Improved knowledge of mental illnesses, their treatments and appropriate crisis support strategies.


Confidence in applying crisis support strategies to a person experiencing a mental health problem.


Decreases in stigmatising attitudes.


Increases in the amount and type of support provided to others.


Be significant and relevant across the globe in relation to mental health literacy, primary prevention, risk reduction and harm reduction interventions

A Mental Health Crisis Support Practitioner is a World Mental Resilience Programs trained and certified individual who has gone through the Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) training and has been tried, tested, trusted and endorsed to have improved in the knowledge of mental illnesses, their treatments, appropriate crisis support strategies, confidence in providing crisis support to individuals with mental illness, showing decrease in mental health related stigma, negative attitudes and biases, showing increase in mental health help-seeking behaviours as well as knowledge of appropriate professional referral pathways.


A Mental Health Crisis Support Practitioner has knowledge and practical skills to tailor design, develop, implement and review mental health literacy empowerment interventions, mental health breakdowns primary prevention interventions, mental health crisis risk reduction interventions, mental health crisis harm reduction interventions and mental health resilience building interventions for individuals, groups, families, learning institutions, religious and cultural institutions, public and private sector companies, organisations and agencies globally to build and create tailored recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaption and coping interventions to mental health crisis.

World Mental Resilience Programs offers a range of internationally recognized comprehensive skills and knowledge based early-intervention courses based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experiences of mental health problems and mental health professionals from the American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychological Association (BPA), the Pan African Psychology Union (PAPU) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) course is developed from the Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) a mental health intervention model developed by World Mental Resilience Programs comprising of five interrelated complimentary mental health intervention systems, (1) Mental Health Literacy Empowerment Interventions, (2) Mental Health Breakdowns Primary Prevention Interventions, (3) Mental Health Crisis Risk Reduction Interventions, (4) Mental Health Crisis Harm Reduction Interventions and (5) Mental Health Resilience Building Interventions to build and create recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and coping strategies to mental health crisis.

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) Course students are empowered and capacitated with the identification of Psychological Dangers and Psychological Hazards across all social institutions and how to build and create Sustainable Psychological Safety and Sustainable Psychological Safety Nets) about the signs and symptoms of mental health breakdowns and teach the practical skills needed to support someone experiencing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. In Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) course trainings; participants also learn about the types of help and support available and how to help someone access the support they need as well as the appropriate professional referral pathways and systems. World Mental Resilience Programs owns the copyright rights of Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) courses. MHHP™ and MHHPractitioner™ are the registered Trademarks of World Mental Resilience Programs.

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHCSP™) specialises mainly on [Mental Health Hygiene Practices] the daily activities and practices that support and maintain positive mental health wellness. Public health guidelines tell us that we need to do small tasks daily to maintain our physical and dental hygiene, like showering and brushing our teeth. We are now extending the same concept to mental health wellness. Just like going to the gym is about building up our strength, Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) is about building up that mental muscle. It is an important way to maintain good mental health, to build and create recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and the coping strategies/measures to mental health crisis pandemic.

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) courses are offered and delivered under the authority, guidelines, and safeguarding policies of the World Mental Resilience Programs.

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) Course trainings are open for both Online Classes and Physical Classes. The MHHP™ training takes a total of 1 month (1 week theory and 3 weeks supervised practice). The supervised practice (attachment) is provided at World Mental Resilience Programs through onsite, remote and virtual options flexible to all students around the globe.

Leading the sustainable availability, accessibility, affordability and embracement of sustainable mental health literacy empowerment interventions... Leaving no one and no place behind - mental health literacy empowerment is a Universal Human Right

A Mental Health Hygiene Practitioner is a World Mental Resilience Programs trained and certified individual who has gone through the Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) course training and has been tried, tested, trusted and endorsed to have improved in the knowledge of mental illnesses, their treatments, appropriate crisis support strategies, confidence in providing crisis support to individuals with mental illness, showing decrease in mental health related stigma, negative attitudes and biases, showing increase in mental health help-seeking behaviours as well as knowledge of appropriate professional referral pathways.

A Mental Health Hygiene Practitioner has knowledge and practical skills of mental health hygiene practices to tailor design, develop, implement and review mental health literacy empowerment interventions, mental health breakdowns primary prevention interventions, mental health crisis risk reduction interventions, mental health crisis harm reduction interventions and mental health resilience building interventions for individuals, groups, families, learning institutions, religious and cultural institutions, public and private sector companies, organisations and agencies globally to build and create tailored recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaption and coping interventions with daily activities and practices that support and maintain positive mental health wellness.

Public health guidelines tell us that we need to do small tasks daily to maintain our physical and dental hygiene, like showering and brushing our teeth. We are now extending the same concept to mental health wellness. Just like going to the gym is about building up our strength, Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) is about building up that mental muscle. It is an important way to maintain good mental health, to build and create tailored recovery opportunities, immunity, resilience, adaptation, and the coping strategies/measures to mental health crisis pandemic from an individual level to a community level across all social institutions.

Mental Health Hygiene Practice® (MHHP™) Course trainings are open for both Online Classes and Physical Classes. The MHHP™ training takes a total of 1 month (1 week theory and 3 weeks supervised practice). The supervised practice (attachment) is provided at World Mental Resilience Programs through onsite, remote and virtual options flexible to all students around the globe.


World Mental Resilience Programs offers a range of internationally recognized comprehensive skills and knowledge based early-intervention courses.

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The Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) Applied Courses incorporates all specific common mental health challenges/disorders.

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The Mental Health Crisis Support Practice® (MHCSP™) Specialised Courses cover specific common mental health challenges/disorders.

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